BeVigil - The internet's first and only security search engine for mobile apps

Instantly find the risk score of any app

Search over app metadata

We extract and show the most pertinent data points about a mobile application. Instantly see the risk score of an app. Discover mobile applications with specific that match a specific category, framework package name, developer email, etc. Find permissions, number of downloads, and other metadata about the app.

View and browse through the application code

You will be able to analyze code at scale and easily search for API keys, regexes, etc to see the matches in different files of an application. Analyze quality, patterns, and security bugs in code. Investigate other parts of the application using our application file browser.

Security Report and Risk Score

Find vulnerabilities/ secrets in applications from the APK scanner report. Enable app developers and organizations to be proactive by tracking security issues and repackaging their applications. Find vulnerabilities / secrets in applications.

APK Scanning on demand

Mitigate the risk of irrelevant results for those wishing to discover vulnerabilities within a specific application. Choose to directly upload your application files to the platform.

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CloudSEK Research Pte. Ltd, #07-12, Manhattan House, 151 Chin Swee Road, Singapore
Singapore 169876